Chapter 12 Grassroots Democracy Part 3 Local Government in Urban Areas Very Short Question
November 5, 2024Chapter 14 Economic Activities Around Us Very Short Question
November 5, 2024Very Short Question Answers: The Value of Work
Q1. What are economic activities? Give examples.
Ans: Economic activities involve the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services for monetary gain. Examples include farming, manufacturing, trading, and professional services.
Q2. How do non-economic activities contribute to society?
Ans: Non-economic activities contribute to social welfare and personal wellbeing without involving monetary transactions. Examples include volunteer work, caregiving, and community service.
Q3. What is the difference between economic and non-economic activities?
Ans: Economic activities involve monetary transactions and aim at generating income or profit. Non-economic activities are performed out of love, care, or social responsibility, without any monetary gain.
Q4. Why is value addition important in economic activities?
Ans: Value addition in economic activities refers to the process of increasing the value of products or services at each stage of production or distribution, which enhances profitability and utility.
Q5. Give examples of economic activities that involve value addition.
Ans: Manufacturing processes that transform raw materials into finished goods, professional services that provide expertise, and trade activities that facilitate exchange of products are examples of economic activities with value addition.
Q6. How do economic activities contribute to national development?
Ans: Economic activities contribute to national development by generating employment, income, and economic growth, thereby improving living standards and infrastructure.
Q7. What role do non-economic activities play in maintaining social cohesion?
Ans: Non-economic activities promote social cohesion by fostering community bonds, supporting cultural practices, and addressing social issues through collective efforts.
Q8. How can economic activities and non-economic activities complement each other?
Ans: Economic activities can fund and support non-economic activities, while non-economic activities contribute to the overall wellbeing and sustainability of communities.
Q9. Why is it important to recognize the value of non-economic activities in society?
Ans: Recognizing non-economic activities acknowledges their role in enhancing quality of life, promoting social values, and addressing societal needs beyond economic considerations.
Q10. What are some examples of community participation initiatives that involve both economic and non-economic activities?
Ans: Initiatives like environmental conservation drives, community festivals, and disaster relief efforts often combine economic support with volunteerism and community engagement.